This assignment was to implement a raytracer. It supports basic object input and renders objects with reflections, shadows and transparency.
11/16/2016: Updated description of project.Group Members:
Reading in .obj file, translation, reflection, point light, and directional light.
Requires tet.obj to be in the same file.
0.674069 secondsInput File OBJ File./as2 input-02 -w 1000 -h 1000 -o input-02.ppm
Simple Phong shading in color.
0.067092 secondsInput File./as2 input-03 -w 500 -h 500 -o image-03.ppm
Applying linear transformations to objects
0.049765 secondsInput File./as2 input-06 -w 500 -h 500 -o image-06.ppm
Transparency with refraction
0.230226 secondsInput File./as2 input-09 -w 500 -h 500 -o input-09.ppm
Anti-aliasing with 16 jittered rays through each pixel
0.942182 secondInput File./as2 input-10 -w 500 -h 500 -o input-10.ppm -aa 16